MetaLib downtime

Our MetaLib search portal and SFX article linker will be intermittently unavailable this Sunday and Monday 21st-22nd March. We are migrating these two heavily-used services over to faster and bigger servers, and although we will try to keep both MetaLib and SFX up for as long as possible, at certain points in the process they will be down.

We hope the benefits of migrating to the new hardware will mitigate against the inconvenience of intermittent service over the two days.

MetaLib Downtime – Sunday 22 November 2009

Recent attempts to carry out maintenance on our MetaLib portal have been unsuccessful. We will need to take MetaLib offline again between 07:00 and 10:00 on Sunday 22nd November. This is to install essential service packs on the server. Both MetaLib and SFX will be intermittently unavailable during this period. The Catalogue will be unaffected. Again we apologise for the short notice and any inconvenience caused.